• CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining
  • Grade: CD7225
  • Model: CNMG120404-MA CNMG120408-MA
  • Application: CNC Lathe Machine
  • Cutting Condition: High Precision Finishing Cutting


Cemented tungsten carbide turning insert CNMG120408-MA for CNC steel Machine

1.Product description:






stainless steel/steel


PVD coating

MOQ Quantity



10pcs in one box


We accept OEM and ODM, and can make unmarked or customized marking.


Finishing, Semi-finishing 


The common types are always in stock, we can offer free samples for testing. 


100% inspection before shipping to ensure the quality

CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining


                                 Grade for Turning Inserts                      







PVD (Silicon+TiAlN)



The ultra-fine cemented carbide substrate is matched with a Si-containing nano-coating, which has excellent wear resistance and oxidation resistance. It has excellent performance in the continuous processing of hard steel and stainless steel.


CVD (Silicon+TiAlN)

Black and yellow


The cemented carbide substrate with a cobalt-rich surface structure has uniform particle size and high bending strength. The special sintering process forms a gradient alloy structure. Combined with a uniform and dense fine-grained coating and unique post-processing technology, the toughness is further improved without reducing wear resistance. It is widely used in general processing of steel parts.

CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining

Products Feature

1.High precision and stiffness

Possess various outstanding performances such as high hardness,wear resistance as well as high degree of finish to ensure smooth chip evacuation.

2.Advanced Technology to ensure 

sharpness and durability Manufactured through advanced high-precision technology and has stronger general stiffness as well as longer lifetime,with  the cutting edge sharper and more wear resistant.

3.Quench Hardening and Easy Milling

High-precision Blades to Reduce wear by decreasing friction,less likely to cause blade sticking or broken fracture.

CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining

CNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machiningCNMG120408-MA turning insert carbide turning inserts cnc turning inserts for steel machining

Why Choose us

1. 100% new raw Materials

2. Fully automatic machining imported from Swiss and Germany.

3. All procedures from powder mixing,pressing,sintering,after treatment,to coating are in house, to ensure high quality and consistency.

4. Large stock available for regular items to make fast delivery.

16ERAG60 Carbide Inserts Manufacturers Turning Inserts Carbide Threading Inserts for Steel Machining

16ERAG60 Carbide Inserts Manufacturers Turning Inserts Carbide Threading Inserts for Steel Machining



1) Meta nista 'nikseb il-prezz?

Normalment nikkwotaw fi żmien 24 siegħa wara li nġibu l-inkjesta tiegħek. Jekk int urġenti ħafna biex tikseb il-prezz, jekk jogħġbok ċempelna jew għidilna fl-email tiegħek sabiex inqisu l-prijorità tal-inkjesta tiegħek.


2) Kif nista 'nikseb kampjun biex niċċekkja l-kwalità tiegħek?

Wara l-konferma tal-prezz, tista 'teħtieġ li l-kampjuni jiċċekkjaw il-kwalità tagħna. Jekk għandek bżonn biss kampjun vojt biex tiċċekkja d-disinn u l-kwalità tal-karta, aħna nipprovdulek kampjun b'xejn, sakemm taffordja l-merkanzija espressa.


3) Kemm nista' nistenna li nikseb il-kampjun?

Wara li tħallas il-ħlas tal-kampjun u tibgħatilna fajls ikkonfermati, il-kampjuni jkunu lesti għall-kunsinna fi żmien 3-7 ijiem. Il-kampjuni jintbagħtulek permezz express u jaslu fi 3-7 ijiem tax-xogħol. Tista' tuża l-kont espress tiegħek stess jew tħallasna minn qabel jekk ma jkollokx kont.


4) Kemm idum il-proċedura kollha li qed tinħadem?

Wara li tagħmel ordni, il-ħin tal-immaniġġjar tal-produzzjoni huwa ta 'madwar 20-25 jum. Għandna bżonn 7 ijiem biex nippreparaw l-għalf kollu imbagħad 15-il jum għall-manifattura.


5) Xi ngħidu dwar it-trasport u d-data tal-kunsinna?

Normalment nużaw il-vjaġġ bil-baħar biex jittrasportaw il-merkanzija. Huwa ta 'madwar 7-25 ġurnata. Jiddependi wkoll minn liema pajjiż u port int. Jista' jkun iqsar jekk għandek bżonn tibgħat l-oġġetti bħall-Asja. Jekk ikun hemm xi emerġenzi nistgħu nibagħtu l-merkanzija permezz ta 'air express, sakemm taffordja l-ispiża tat-traffiku.


6) Int kumpanija kummerċjali jew manifattur?

Aħna manifattur professjonali. Aħna mhux biss tippossjedi l-fabbrika tal-għodod tagħna, iżda għandna wkoll fabbrika tal-karbur tas-siment.


7) Fejn tinsab il-fabbrika tiegħek?

Aħna jinsabu fil-belt ta 'Zhuzhou, Provinċja ta' Hunan., belt bażi tal-karbur tat-tungstenu taċ-Ċina


8) Kemm nista' nistenna li nikseb il-kampjun?

Wara li tħallas il-ħlas tal-kampjun u tibgħatilna fajls ikkonfermati, il-kampjuni jkunu lesti għall-kunsinna fi żmien 3-7 ijiem. Il-kampjuni jintbagħtulek permezz express u jaslu fi 3-5 ijiem tax-xogħol. Tista' tuża l-kont espress tiegħek stess jew tħallasna minn qabel jekk ma jkollokx kont.


9) Kif dwar l-istokk tiegħek?

Għandna prodotti ta 'kwantità kbira fl-istokk, tipi u daqsijiet regolari huma kollha fl-istokk.


10) Huwa possibbli tbaħħir b'xejn?

Aħna ma noffrux servizz ta 'tbaħħir b'xejn. Nistgħu jkollna skont jekk tixtri prodotti ta 'kwantità kbira

Ħossok liberu li tikkuntattjani:


Manager tal-bejgħ

Zhuzhou Chuangde Cemented Carbide Co. Ltd

215, building 1, International Students Pioneer Park,

TaishanRoad, Distrett Tianyuan, Belt Zhuzhou.

Email: cd@cdcarbide.com


Whatspp/wechat/Skype :  0086 13786352688

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